Rules and standards

At Global conflicts, we expect mutual cooperation and a level of maturity.
We do not condone or harbour any form of discrimination.
This is a baseline expectation we have of all players to adhere to at all time.

By joining Global Conflicts, you agree to the above and below while part of our community.



  • Do not intentionally provoke users.
  • Do not "poach" players from other communities.
  • Do not cheat/hack/exploit in any way.
  • No unauthorised advertising - Ask permission from staff before posting.


  • Do not teamkill/wound.
  • Do not rambo/lonewolf.
  • Do not backseat command.
  • Listen to leadership and orders.
  • Do not spam drawings or map markers within the playable map - SFW drawings permitted outside of the playable map space.
  • Do not use enemy equipment or assets, unless authorized or in a 'life of death' situation.
    • Do not use vehicles and assets that would require specialized training that your current role does not have. Example: A rifleman crewing a tank.
  • Do not talk/speak/shout excessively loud.
  • Do not use soundboards or memes during important moments. Keep it serious when it matters.
  • Do not meme it up just because you are getting bored and ruin it for everyone else.


  • Do not post anything that may be considered to possibility be breaking the law or Discords terms of service.
  • Do not post off-topic discussions outside of the appropriate Discord channels.
  • Keep all shit-posting #containment-zone.
  • Not safe for work (NSFW) content is not permitted across all channels (This includes but not limited to, porn/suggestive, gore, human/animal suffering)
  • Do not intentionally interrupt other users.
  • Do not shout excessively loud to disrupt users.
  • Do not mic spam audio clips loudly or often.
  • Do not excessively or unnecessarily ping users.


  • Do not intentionally interrupt other users.
  • Do not shout excessively loud to disrupt users.
  • Do not mic spam audio clips loudly or often.
  • If you have powers for a certain channel, do not abuse your permissions.


  • Don't be a dick.
  • Respect everybody with the same level of dignity you'd expect.
  • Uphold quality of gameplay at all times.
  • Strive for semi-serious tactical milsim fun.
  • Provide constructive feedback.
  • Trust in your leadership.
  • Have fun!

Documented SOPs:

Player infraction-punishment SOPs
Player blacklisting SOPs
Staff and role Structure
About the New Guy Probation Period

Global Conflicts Logo
Tactical Arma 3 gameplay with no strings attached.
est. 2020