Bergen Heights
American and Russian armoured companies fight for control of a town. A remake of a classic UO TVT, American Armour is M1A1s, BFVs. Russian armour is BMP-3S and T-90As. It is technically 2 minimum if you just wanna knife fight.
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Bug Reports
Disable thermals on blue.
BLUFOR Tank #4 not moving, then exploding in spawn
Crewmen are not engineers. What is the purpose of the toolkit if we can't even use it? Opfor vics have stanags in them.
Fix typos in slotting screen (which blufor is coy commander)
Also change the color of the AO limit - recommend purple
Disable A3TI thermals. Review loadouts if X roles need long range radios.
Back in A2 days, this mission was mostly balanced, but with the new damage models introduced in A3, there is an overwhelming advantage for blufor in terms of vehicle survivability and optics. I highly recommend switching the vehicles to be more on par with each other.