Kosovo Kickoff Redux
82nd Airborne Division clears out Serb positions on the Albanian border in preparation for NATO invasion. Now with less helicopter rides.
Gameplay History
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Bug Reports
random mix of ammo from different mods in gear and crates
crate at spawn has wrong smaw spotting rounds
unsurprisingly still has the old ass briefing
Weapons AT team had a jav + one spare missle. Re-supply only had SMAW or MAAWS rounds inside it. Recommend removing the Jav due to how many armored target there could be.
Weapons is 1'3 on slotting screen
Weapons is 1'3 on comsig
Don't start on correct radio channels
Huge frame issue once the border has been crossed.
Please Cephei... if you take someone's mission and "redux" it, please can you actually make the mission correctly?
This is a repeated thing where you take peoples missions, without any consent, edit it, say nothing, then turns out it was broken or mission important information were missing.
Last year, you took my mission, edited it to remove the filter then you personally didn't like, and some how in the process broke all AI spawning, before I got loads of flak for it being my mission and people were under the impression I broke it, when infact someone edited my mission, said nothing, and ended up breaking it.
Also, a "redux" is hardly a redux if all you do is remove a setup timer...
Minefield border thing is kinda pointless. AI all go prone inside their fighting positions, QRF is a bit slow. Otherwise the concept is fine.