Tiger Strike
Koreans with tanks and IFVs cross some bridges and kill some people on two objectives before regrouping
the well formatted briefing is still there in the mission files if you are autistic enough to unpack it while playing
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Bug Reports
Your map markings are kinda nasty. You have these giant unit composite markers taking up loads of room, while our actual objectives and local AO also feels lacking in relevant markings, especially around the AI.
Maybe add clickable links in the briefing so it's eaiser to jump between.
Briefing it abit scuffed. You have mission notes and a useless no game mastering tab at the top of the tabs, followed by a brief that has bad formatting making it harder to read, also felt abit weak in terms of contents.
No comsig what so ever.
AI on the second objective is all frozen and does not respond to players
if ur gonna give engineering capabilities make sure they can actually handle the obstacles
make new crewmen engineers
buildings on OBJ starr are floating like 100m in the air
absolutely fucked medical gear
why only quicklot
why does everyone have 5 morphine
no splints
SL has contact DLC shit unmarked
still no comsig
fix the floating buildings on obj starr fucking retard
very epic unmarked minefield
the enemy mortars are fucking insane
Optic provided for TL looks into the front irons on the K2
no splints why do i have 5 morphine as a TL
only quikclots...
squad size is bigger than warrior pax capacity
self reminder to eventually make the briefing its own file and import it
I think we need more assets to have a more realistic chance of assaulting across a river. The era is 2010, I would like to have some drones and GPS/CTAB at least for leadership so we could transmit targets more effectively. Also, the SPIKE LR doesn't work properly when firing across the river...
Overall, a good concept for the mission. It felt good at least from my view of a tank gunner. Take on feed back, tidy up loose ends, add abit of polish to it, and it'll be alot better.
This mission could do with objective base respawn. Capture the first town and then get a wave respawn for example